Duty of man

Divya Darshan teaches us how to observe Dharma. In other words, it teaches self-knowledge. If man knows what Dharma is and observes the same properly, he can attain divinity. Ultimately, he can realise the divine

Man craves for happiness and peace, but he mostly gets sufferings. This indicates that man does not have proper knowledge about peace and happiness. He does all his works in order to earn peace and happiness, but all his efforts end up in sufferings. In this situation what is the duty of man? Man should acquire knowledge about how to earn peace and happiness. In other words, he must know what is good and how to get the same. Then only he can live well. By doing good and being good, he can fulfil all his basic needs including peace and bliss. Ultimately, he can realise his true self. God is there everywhere as 'good'. Divya Darshan teaches the knowledge about 'good'.

Everything has a basis. For example, the basis of fruit is a tree. Similarly, there is some basis of happiness, peace and bliss. Since we do not know the basis, we are deprived of happiness, peace and bliss. And therefore, we suffer. Goodness is the basis of happiness, peace and bliss. Hence, one must know what good is; one must be good and express goodness in one's conduct. Then only one can get happiness, peace and bliss. But instead of knowing the basis first, we straightaway seek peace, happiness and bliss. We do not get it. Secondly, we should know that, if we mingle with bad people, bad qualities shall be transmitted to us. On the other hand, if we mingle with knowledgeable persons, we would become knowledgeable. Through contacts we get influenced. Unnoticeably, the other person's attitude or conduct may get superimposed on our mind.

God is really the Goodness-Absolute. The divine qualities shall get activated in him, who keeps contact with God. God is divine, pure, sacred and Bliss-Absolute. The question is how to maintain contact with God? God is full of everything good and precious, divine and permanent. He, who entertains divine thoughts and divine qualities, really maintains contact with God. He, who is keen to know about God, praises God, prays God, remembers God, worships God, offers his devotion to God and loves God, is in contact with God. If we love God, God would love us. When somebody reads scriptures, reads about God, hears about God, meditates on God and contemplates on God, he is in contact with God. Any person who does as mentioned above, can live in peace and happiness. Since we are not interested to know who God is, we are not able to get peace and happiness. When the basis of everything is God how is it possible to get peace and happiness without knowing Him? We must know what is 'good'. We must be good and maintain contact with 'good'. This is our duty. This is our Dharma. In other words, uphold what is good, support what is good, become good, do good, and maintain contact with good. The people of Satya Yug had known well about 'good' and conducted themselves accordingly. There is absence of such knowledge now. Hence suffering is on the rise. Those, who have interest in spirituality, should be told to inculcate goodness.

We have heard about vices and virtues. It is told that after the death the sinners go to the lower regions whereas the virtuous go to Deva-Loka by Deva-yan. Many people not only suffer here but also hereafter. As long as unfulfilled desires remain, man's suffering would not come to an end.

Man, instinctively craves for peace and happiness. He, who is more knowledgeable, is more powerful. The ignorant man is weak. The ignorant are easily mastered by the knowledgeable. The ignorant man goes to pitrulok whereas the knowledgeable man goes to devlok by Deva-yan. The sages advised mankind to increase or accumulate their virtues but in Kali Yug while the common men try or increase their virtues, they are exploited by the greedy middlemen. Many people believe that if virtues are to be acquired money must be spent on different rituals and activities.

Divya Darshan preaches how to earn virtues easily without getting cheated or spending money on expensive rituals. The deeds that bring us peace and happiness and help in gaining self-knowledge are called virtues. The deeds that cause sufferings and take us to the dark region are sins. To remember God's name is virtue. There is no need for money here; no physical labour is involved in earning virtues.

The Supreme Goal of man is liberation. So, whatever is done to attain liberation is virtue only. Anything that is done which impedes self-development is sin or vice. Karma is divided into three parts such as physical, mental and vocal. If somebody entertains good will towards others, it is a virtue. If somebody speaks some good words about others, it is also a virtue. We get divine blessings from out of that. By doing such small acts, we can increase our virtue second by second. By thinking and discussing about God, listening to the sages and wise men, we earn virtues.

He, who contemplates on God's lila, His greatness and True Self is doing the greatest punya and acquiring virtues. No sin can enter the mind when the mind is preoccupied with divine thoughts. We are to only change our mindset, attitude and approach to multiply our virtues. It does not cost anything. But due to ignorance, in our efforts to be free from sins and earn virtues we get cheated by clever persons in the society. Due to ignorance we do not have clear idea about vices and virtues. Nothing should be done blindly. Knowledge must be acquired. By inquisitiveness and knowledge man can very easily increase virtues which would bring him peace, bliss and freedom. A person, who acquires self-knowledge, becomes pure very quickly. The best thing is Jnana Yajna through which virtues can be earned. There is no greater gift than dissemination of knowledge and there is no greater virtue than acquisition of knowledge.
